List of Dental Schools

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About List of Dental Schools

List of Dental Schools is a site that provides information about dental schools in the United States. Harvard Dental School, University of Michigan Dental School, UCLA Dental School, and USC Dental School are just four of the dental schools that are covered here.

Through List of Dental Schools, you will learn about the degree programs, specialty areas, and departments of various dental schools across the United States. You will discover what makes each dental school unique. You will get closer to choosing a dental school that fits your needs.

After all, choosing the right dental school is a critical task. Dental school can take over eight years—this includes four years of postgraduate work and about two years of hands-on clinical experience. Further, many individuals extend their time in dental school to train toward a specialty area. Moreover, after receiving a degree, you must pass an exam in order to be able to practice dentistry.

The dental school you choose can open doors for you or limit you. It can determine the specialty areas and programs that would be available to you. List of Dental Schools acknowledges the importance of choosing the right dental school and helps make the search easier and quicker.
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